The creation of diamonds

Diamonds are found naturally in different regions of the world. These areas have the geological conditions necessary for the formation of diamonds."
Diamonds are formed deep beneath the Earth's surface in an area between 150 km and 200 km deep called the mantle. There are extremely high temperatures between 1’200 and 1’400 degrees Celsius and pressures between 50,000 and 60,000 bar. Diamonds crystallize from carbon under these special conditions.
The process begins when carbon enters deep into the Earth's crust in the form of graphite or other carbon compounds. This carbon enters the mantle through geological activities such as volcanic eruptions or tectonic movements. There, the conditions are changed by high temperatures and pressures so that the carbon is converted into diamond."
Some diamonds reach the surface through volcanic activity, rising in so-called kimberlite pipes or lamproites. These are then mined to extract the diamonds they contain."

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